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康德·安苏里雕像 Statue of Count Ansúrez | 何塞·索里利亚雕像 Statue of José Zorrilla |
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哥伦布纪念碑 Monument to Christopher Columbus | 腓力二世纪念碑 Monument to Philippe II |
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塞万提斯纪念碑 Monument to Cervantes | 阿尔坎塔拉猎兵团纪念碑 Monument 'Regimiento de Cazadores de Alcántara' |
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喜剧演员 Comedian | 公会的寓言 Allegory of guilds |
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荣誉喷泉 Fountain of Fame
| 天鹅喷泉 Swan Fountain |
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坎普大公园的摄影师 The Photographer of the 'Campo Grande' | 青铜舞者 Bronze Dance |
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向社会志愿服务致敬 Tribute to Social Volunteering | 儿童喷泉 Fountain of Children |
巨人喷泉 Fountain of the Colossus | 美人鱼喷泉 Fountain of the Mermaids |
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雕塑家纪念碑 Monument to the Sculptor | 电影场景 Scenario for a Movie |